Heimtextil 2023 – Talk & Tour: Natalie Pichler

„little – less – best?“ 
Sometimes less is better and even more when it's smartly realized. Space-saving, less materials, energy efficient and efficient benefits. Both clever for the user and the environment. Through a critical questioning of dimension of spaces, of the way we create our living spaces and the application of diverse materials, the textile comes into focus as a space-creating element. A story of a multifunctional castle in the air.

Natalie Pichler
Natalie Pichler's designs are flexible, multifunctional and strictly thought-out in material, form and proportion. This sometimes creates emotionally surprising moods. No longer the space, the object and the person are the starting points, but the in-between. The designer's concepts are aimed at precisely this emotionality, which develops from the interactions of the whole, detail and user. For her, haptics and the interaction of man and object are self-evident fields of design. 
After studying interior design & 3D design at the New Design University in Sankt Pölten, textile design at the University of Art and Design Linz and Designer Maker in London, Natalie Pichler combined these three areas into a whole -the spatial creation of three-dimensional objects, products and interior design concepts.

Natalie Pichler | OFFORA, Linz, Wien | www.offora.at, www.nataliepichler.at
12. January, Thursday, 13:00 - 15:00
Meeting Point: Hall 4.0 | Saal Europa
Talk & Tour in english language

12 January 2023, 13:00 to 15:00
Messe Frankfurt
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main
PSA Publishers - World-Architects
Heimtextil 2023 – Architecture. Interior. Hospitality. – 10.-13. January, Frankfurt am Main
